Workflow management from start to finish.


Modul apps use smart workflows enabling users to easily find and function tasks. All tasks are supported: scheduling patients for appointments, working support tickets, managing inventory, and more.

The framework ensures users’ experience is uncluttered, and required tasks are easy to complete.

A user will see the actions they need to take, and nothing more. Complex functions are organized, and set up by expected actions. This focus optimizes throughput, and minimizes function errors.

Modul apps use the fewest clicks possible.


Modul apps’ data architecture is designed for high data availability. Information is available easily and in real-time for true, agile business intelligence.

Insights are available to everyone who needs them, when they need them. And the architecture enables data-analysts with almost instant understanding of data-sets, so deliverables are quick to develop, with high confidence in data-integrity.


Modul apps are designed for managed collaboration. Communication tools are embedded allowing users to skip emails, and other external communications.

This serves two purposes: support of the simplification of managing tasks, and information retention for tracking progress.

Features such as notifications, approvals, and even connecting to video platforms allow users to work together in a unified platform.

“Before User Assist (a Modul App), team members had to access multiple systems, use email and phone calls to get support. Now, all of their support needs are managed in one easy to use app.”

— EHR Support Manager

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Share your workflow dilemmas with us, and let us show you how you can overcome them.