Modul: Workflow management from start to finish.


Modul Framework Capabilities


01 — Workflow Simplicity

Applications built on the Modul framework are designed for ultimate user experience. Required user actions are simplified, with the minimum amount of clicks and inputs as possible.

02 — Workflow Automation

When tasks can be automated, they are, using a robust rules-engine that adapts to business requirements and use cases, so that no unnecessary actions are taken by users, which accelerates completion and improves the quality of the outcome.

03 — Collaboration

Modul applications have built in collaboration features that allow users to interact and communicate with one another without leaving the app. Notifications, SMS, and email capabilities allow work activities to stay in the application, without having to leave to another system. Collaboration is streamlined, and information is retained in the application.

04 — Reporting and Data Availability

One of the most compelling features of Modul apps, is one that users do not even notice. The data architecture is designed to enable ease of data availability in the app, or connected to other systems through API’s as needed.

The normalized, common sense architecture allows data analysts of any level with almost zero learning curve for using Modul app data for any decision support need.

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