Manage Projects Simply

"Do everything necessary to get the job done, with no extra frills, bells or whistles"

Sadiq Somjee, Spartan Project Management: A New Project Managers Guide

This book by Sadiq Somjee is a great resource for learning the standards of project management, and to keep the initiative of completing projects on time, in scope, and in budget. The author’s focus on doing what is necessary, and not getting caught up in the process and “tools”, was a tremendous influence in our project management application, Modul: Accomplish.

The goal of every project is to finish with a quality outcome. All actions, resources, and tools should directly impact a project’s execution. So many project management tools focus on the “mechanics” of project management, or force complex functioning to maintain a fixed standard. Our application supports the ‘mechanics’ of facilitation, and the standards of project management - but does not force it. Accomplish enables project managers to create and facilitate projects in the simplest manner necessary to reach completion.

We encourage any project manager, whether new or seasoned, certified or not, to read Sadiq Somjee’s book, Spartan Project Management. It can be found on Amazon, and other online booksellers.


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Modul Accomplish Released